Running the roads

About Run Nova Scotia

What is Run Nova Scotia?

Since 1983, Run Nova Scotia has fostered and promoted road running all across Nova Scotia

From one running boom to the next, our mission has not wavered: to promote health, fitness, and camaraderie to people of all ages and abilities through the sport of road running. During this time, we’ve supported the unique needs and goals of anyone from Yarmouth to Sydney who has decided to lace up a pair of running shoes and join the thousands of other Nova Scotians running the roads.
Photo of runner at Run Nova Scotia event

Who We Are

Run Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit organization, a division of Athletics Nova Scotia, operated entirely by volunteers.

We offer a number of services that enrich the running community and enhance running events. For example, we organize the Run Nova Scotia Road Race Series – races from 1 mile to the marathon in locations across the province – providing guidance to race organizers and creating a festival atmosphere at each finish line. We also do community outreach, sharing our expertise and passion for running through seminars, clinics, and events.

Run Nova Scotia’s mission is to promote health, fitness, and camaraderie to people of all ages and abilities through the sport of road running

Our Members

If you’ve participated in a running event in Nova Scotia, chances are that Run Nova Scotia or its members supported your experience in some way.

Our members represent the full spectrum of running in the province: some run at the front of the pack, some run at the back, some are as young as 10, some are as old as 90, some run to lose weight, some run for a cause, and some run to compete – but all share a passion for road running and the community of people who are drawn to it.

Photo of runner at Run Nova Scotia event

Road running is for everyone! Run Nova Scotia is here to help communities promote road running though races, expos, and educational programs.

Photo of runner at Run Nova Scotia event

Who Joins Run Nova Scotia?

Anyone with an interest in running! Our members come from all over the province.

From Yarmouth to Sydney and all places in between – and from every walk of life. Run Nova Scotia members are slow, average, and fast; they’re just starting or they’ve been at it a while; they’re young and not so young; they’re group runners and solo artists; they race or they don’t; they run short distances or long distances; they’re everywhere!

Constitution – Run Nova Scotia

Run Nova Scotia – Annual General Meeting Minutes 2024